Before we began trimming away branches, cutting down trees that, while beautiful, have overtaken important areas of the front & back yard and the view; we thought we would share a few things we focus on.
- Trees are great for shade, color, texture and the environment. However, overgrown trees, low hanging branches over sidewalks, roots that destroy walkways or impeded passage on walkways can all be a nuisance. Trimming trees is important to maintaining proper sidewalk passage, as well as, access to the yard for outdoor space enjoyment.
- Trees provide a certain beauty to a property. However, when a tree completely covers the view to or from the house, it can become frustrating and causes the property to lose it’s curb side appeal.
- Dead wood in yards from old trees or shrubs can have a lasting effect on a property. Large tree stumps are great to create ambiance or seating if treated; if the distance to the structure on the property is correct. However, those dead stumps attract bugs of all types including wasps and bark beetles.
The photos taken after the job was complete are also shown here. The sidewalk is passable, the house now has a sight line to the street and curb appeal, in addition to the dead wood removed from the backyard opening the outdoor spaces for enjoyment.
Job Notes on 1st Set of Photos: Remove 2 trees (1 at curbside in front, 1 in back by fence), remove stumps of both removed trees and dead shrubs in back. Cut low hanging branches over yard and sidewalks.